Tuesday 26 March 2013

Girls Sexually Harassed in PTI 23 March Jalsa?


Lahore: Pakistan Tehreek Insaf gathered thousands of people in Minar e Pakistan on 23rd March. This was one of massive PTI’s gatherings in last 2 years. Other than Good sides of this Jalsa, some shocking facts have been revealed by a leading English newspaper of Pakistan. According to author, she noted numbers of girls’ harassment cases in gathering. On this massive Public gather, not only men but women were also part of it.


How It Started?

Girls Sexually harassment cases were recorded in some parts of Jalsa, especially in corners. According to media reports, it was well organized gathering and women were fully protected. As it was mix gathering so volunteers were looking eye on suspicious people. The newspaper report claimed that situation for women went badly as rain started. The heavy rain made cloths of many women semitransparent. Some women lost from their families due to heavy rush. During all this, some culprits started trespassed.

A Special Message for PTI fans: My following news is not base on bias facts. I just reported a news so keep calm before commenting.

Some men were intentionally started swept, grabbing and touching women. This awful situation in this revolutionary gathering created panic in some parts of ground. Some women tried to escaped from location and other approached police.


to less lighting, rain and no communication, police couldn’t do much for these affected girls. Many girls were crying on spot while boys were laughing, newspaper reported.


These women were come in Jalsa to Support PTI but they disappointed from wrong doings of some men. These types of activities can ruin PTI credibility, a critic said. On other hand, another person said that this was happened on small scale and only few such cases were noted. Media is trying to defame PTI by doing these cheap tactics, PTI supporter said.

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